Why subscribe?

Everything here is free, but if you’re enjoying what you read, I’d love for you to subscribe. Any kind of funding from this word vomit newsletter directly supports independent writing projects like this or this or even this and look, I’m also writing my first book and phew, it’s a lot. But no pressure!

Who even are you?

I’m fiza. I’m a writer and editor based in Atlanta and I run an immigrant mental health newsletter called Foreign Bodies. I have two dogs—my family dog Scamper and the gal I raised, Lady. I am a big fan of long walks through the woods, love spending hours in a museum before getting scolded to leave upon closing and regularly tell my friends how much I love them.

What even is this?

This is a public letter or journal or whatever you wanna call it where I’ll be very candidly documenting the way my brain reacts to words and stories and the craft of writing.

If you’re into my ugly doodles, check out @doodlesbyfiza on Instagram. I have, like, two followers, so maybe lower your expectations. If you’d rather read my professional work, head over here. If you’re interested in neither my word vomit nor my professional work, try this.

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.


Subscribe to fiza's word vomit

my brain on writing and reading and the beautiful mess of word work


Atlanta-based writer/editor and chronically depressed lady behind foreignbodies.substack.com + fiza.substack.com.